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 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-17 16:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
     Persons om Brazilian or German heritage are not barred om working in the Indonesian government. But a ethnic
  Chinese who was born in Indonesia is not allowed to work in ANY Indonesian government department.
     In Indonesia, the Chinese are discriminated.The ethnic Chinese are not permitted to have permanent land
  title. The same restriction does NOT apply to Caucasian om the United States, however.
     在印尼,华人是受歧视的。印尼华人不能得到永久的土地权(permanent land title)。而同样的限制对来自美国的高加索
     The ethnic Chinese are prohibited om obtaining governmental scholarships. No such restriction for people of
  ANY OTHER ethnic background. The Indonesian ethnic Chinese minority is the ONLY group of people in Indonesia who are
  officially PERSECUTED by the Suharto-led regime.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-17 16:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
     A coup led by Suharto, back in the 1960  ’  s, resulted in a total defeat of PKI (Parti Komunis
  Indonesia, or the Indonesian Communist Party)。 Suharto and his army cracked down on members of the PKI, and more
  than 2 MILLION people died during the purging process.
     60年代苏哈托发起的政变使得PKI(Parti Komunis Indonesia或印尼共产党)彻底失败。苏哈托和他的军队镇压了PKI成员。
     Among the dead were more than 300,000 (some estimates ran up to more than 500,000) INNOCENT ethnic
  Chinese who had nothing to do with neither Suharto, nor PKI, were MURDERED.
     How possible do you think a group of victims will strongly supported the person 「or regime」 who stripped
  them the right to practice their own culture?
     Mild-mannered people don  ’  t loot, plunder, rape or kill people, no matter how economically-challenged
  they are. The Indonesian Pribumis who looted, plundered, raped and killed the chinese are definitely NOT
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-17 16:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
     The Indonesia Malay attacked the Chinese not for the money,the attacked the Chinese because they
  「Pribumis」 are RACISTS. The attacks are blatantly RACIALLY-MOTIVATED attacks.
     Why is the World Press keep avoiding to report the TRUTH?
     Why are the journalists trying so hard to hide all those RACIST ATTACKS under the economic banner?
     What objective「s」 the World Media like to achieve by misguiding us, their audiences?
     What are the possible reason「s」 beneath this massive DIS-INFORMATION campaign?
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-17 16:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
     We want the world to witness the TRUE PLIGHT of the Indonesian Chinese我们希望全世界成为印尼华人的真实状况的  见证人!
     We want to spread this TRUTH to the world. Please help us.我们希望真相能传遍四方,请帮助我们!
     We do not ask for money, we don  ’  t ask for pity. What we ask, and hope you will do, is to HELP us.我们
  不需要钱,不需要怜悯。我们需要  “  帮助  “  !
     Help us by distributing this message, to everyone you know. We need to spread the TRUTH to as many people as
  we possibly can, we need to tell the world that the Indonesian Huaren are not the evil people the mass media would like
  you to believe.
     We also need your help to contact people in political offices. We urgently need outside pressures stop the
  save the lives of innocent ethnic Chinese in Indonesia. With only less than 4% of the total population, the ethnic
  Chinese in Indonesia can  ’  t possibly withstand the unrelenting onslaughts by the Indonesian Malay.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-17 16:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
     In Rwanda, the Hutus massacred 500,000 Tutsis. In Indonesia, if the world do not step in, over 7 MILLION
  people may be butchered. This is the time we need as much outside pressure as we possibly can gather. We need the world
  ’  s response to STOP the Indonesian Malays om committing even more heinous murders.在卢旺达,Hutus人屠杀了50万Tutsis
     Please call or fax this message to your local council persons, the mayor of your city, your state  ’  s
  representative, national representative,parliamentarians or congressmen/women,ask them to voice their support
  PUBLICLY for the Indonesian Chinese, and ask them to put pressure on the Indonesian government in preventing more
  bloodshed om occurring.
     Our heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you for your help.
     We have a web site you can visit.
发表于 2005-1-17 20:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-18 09:42:00 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-1-18 10:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
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